


(一) 網頁翻譯(中翻英)之一


XX電子工業股份有限公司網站(以下簡稱本網站)係依據本服務條款提供本網站(www.xx.com.tw)服務 (以下簡稱「本服務」)。當您使用本服務時,即表示您已閱讀、瞭解並同意接受本約定書之所有內容。本網站有權於任何時間修改或變更本約定書之內容,建議您隨時注意該等修改或變更。您於任何修改或變更後繼續使用本服務,視為您已閱讀、瞭解並同意接受該等修改或變更。如果您不同意本約定書的內容,或者您所屬的國家或地域排除本約定書內容之全部或一部時,您應立即停止使用本服務。


XX Electronics Co. Ltd. Web Site (hereinafter referred to as the Web Site) provides customers with services in accordance with the Agreement contained in www.xx.com.tw (hereinafter referred to as the Services). Please read all requirements carefully before you use the Services. If you are unable to comply with any requirement for whatever reason, you are advised not use the Services. The Web Site owner has the right to revise or amend the aforesaid Agreement either partially or totally whenever necessary. Therefore, you should check all such revisions or amendments before you start to use the Services. If you continue to use the Services after any requirement is revised or amended either partially or totally for whatever reason, you are construed as having read, understood, and agreed to comply with all such revisions or amendments. If you or your nation/region rejects any requirement prescribed herein either partially or totally for whatever reason, you should cease to use the Services immediately. 

If you are younger than 20, you should ask your parents (or guardians) to read the Agreement carefully. If your parents (or guardians) are unable to comply with any requirement or revision/modification prescribed herein for whatever reason, you should cease to use the Services. With their approval, you may use or continue to use the Services. Your parents (guardians) are construed as having read, understood and agreed to comply with all requirements and revisions/modifications prescribed herein as soon as you use or purchase the Services.


(二) 網頁翻譯(中翻英)之二


除非您向本公司主動提供,本公司並不收集關於您的個人識別資訊。例如,如果您決定填寫用戶登記表,您可能被要求提供某些資訊,例如您的聯絡資料(姓名、電子郵件地址、郵寄地址及電話號碼)、年齡。經過您同意後,本公司可能將您提供的資訊用於發送本公司的業務通訊或調查客戶滿意度。在您訪問本網站或閱讀本公司發出的電子郵件時,本公司可能使用像素標籤(也稱作「淨」圖像,(“clear” gift))、追蹤連結及/或類似技術,來標記您在本公司網站上訪問的某些網頁。本公司會可能使用像素標籤確定您瀏覽器支援的電子郵件的類型。

We do not ask you for personal information unless you provide us with all such information at your discretion. If you decide to fill in user’s registration, you might be requested to provide certain information, such as your contact information (name, e-mail address, physical address and telephone numbers), age, etc. With your approval, we may use your contact information for sending business messages or surveying customer’s satisfaction. When you visit the Web Site or read our e-mails, we may use pixel tag (“clear” gift), tracing links, and/or other techniques to mark the web pages that you have browsed. In addition, we may use pixel tag to identify the type of e-mails supported by your browsers.