App for fire-reporting
Fire-reporting: App fire-reporting functions are integrated into 119 System to convenience the general public reporting emergency, fire, disasters, and mountain rescue. Fire-reporting functions are combined with mobile phones’ GPS and camera, allowing the general public to transmit the coordinates of the accident sites and the images photographed at the accident sites to Control Center’s 119 dispatch system through mobile phones. Before, people reported emergencies using voices only. Now, people can transmit realtime information and messages to Control Center simultaneously, allowing 119 staffs to identify the status of accident sites precisely and thereby provide relief assistance punctually.
Instant messaging: People may choose to receive the information they need, such as landslide warning, tsunami warning, earthquake reports, cryogenic announcement, CO poisoning, fire-related messages, municipal meteorologist’s videos, and typhoon-related messages. Moreover, the general public has access to the integrated crisis-prevention announcements that urge people to prepare themselves for the forthcoming crisis.
Guidance: People may check the refuge sites designated by the municipality and locate the refuge sites nearest to them. In addition, people can find out where they can borrow life jackets and are informed of the dangerous water sites. People also receive warning messages that advise them to keep away from all such dangerous water sites. Furthermore, people receive safety instructions such as the bridges and roads temporarily available for parking as well as the sliding doors to be closed during typhoon period.
Fire prevention campaign: The general public has access to the texts, images, and videos related to crisis prevention exams and rescue exams. Thanks to the growing popularity of mobile devices, people can receive the information related to crisis prevention and fire prevention through their mobile devices. Therefore, people have sufficient time to prepare themselves before emergency occurs. Thus, death & injuries can be minimized. Moreover, people may attend the online CPR license tests and acquire their licenses conveniently.
Online application: The general public has access to online application to report violations, request for CPR instructions, and apply for home safety visits as well as all other personal-related services. Violation-reporting procedure and educational activities are also available in App structure to help people protect their lives and properties.
App fire-fighting services and benefits
Unlike the conventional transmission channels, App directly transmits the messages related to crisis prevention to the mobile phones that people bring them everywhere they go, Thus, people can receive all such messages no matter where they are. App is a useful tool that transmits messages effectively.
Thanks to the instant messaging and reporting functions, the Fire Department interacts with the general public more efficiently than ever. Unidirectional promotion channel is no longer in use. Now, people can feel that their needs are serviced swiftly and punctually.
All locations are combined with Google maps. Route query and navigation services are added for users’ convenience.
The messages related to crisis prevention are initiatively transmitted to people’s mobile phones, allowing the general public to receive all such messages instantly. Moreover, evacuation instructions and map guides are swiftly transmitted to people through their mobile phones’ built-in GPS and thereby guide people to the nearest refuge sites. Whenever crisis occurs, the general public receives crisis-related messages instantly and takes the most appropriate moves right away in order to protect their lives and properties.
For the Fire Department, fire-fighting App is undoubtedly a handy tool that transmits crisis-related messages to the general public whenever necessary.