
撰寫房屋建案英文文案 (Copywriting)




用神的比例,打造生活的黃金尺度 世界上最美的比例,溯本根源皆來自於自然。 由鸚鵡螺找到完美的黃金比例, 從蜂巢看到了堅固的建築結構, 在漣漪的水面聯想到造型律動...... 台北萊茵河畔 用天地謬思築成的建築風景 —國礎「富裔河」

For your sensational enjoyment, we put together a perfect living space that looks like a nautilus made up of six living species serving as a solid beehive to protect you from all hassles, just like the ripples on Rhine River surface reminding you of the rhythms of your daily life.   



【陽明山峰首座.博物館級私人接待所】 位於AIT駐外使節領地旁,國安級的保六總隊層層把控, 德士通24小時科技護衛隊系統加密安管。 假日期間,更有國家級安管控制陽明山車流進出。 為了禮遇及保密您的身份,參觀前請先來電預約, 我們將派專人專車開道,以國賓級規格護衛尊駕到臨。

Royal Mountain

The first private reception center in Yangmingshan

Located in the distinguished Embassy District, Royal Mountain is guarded by the 6th team of Special Police and DSG Technology 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. On holidays, the traffic flow in Yangmingshan is controlled by national security authority. For your convenience, we suggest that you give us a call before you visit Royal Mountain. Our limousines stand ready to escort you all the way to this prestigious reception center.



隨坐臥心 人是會有為了想要解開束縛 而去找尋某個地方的潛在意識 心靈於是像個旅人,找?,找? 終於到了一個看來似乎陌生的地點才一佇足 頃刻間,什麼問題都解開了。 這地方 倒不必然是在人跡所罕至的遠方 甚至反而是在 路網輻輳的一個迴身就遇見了

High Art Palace

Are you looking for a place where you can escape from the fetters of a boring life? Maybe you are not sure, but your mind says you need a hideaway where you can be yourself, exactly and totally yourself! You travel all over the city, looking for a hideaway for yourself. Somehow, you stop walking around when you see this seemingly unfamiliar yet hospitable building. Suddenly, you find everything you need in this prestigious hideaway named High Art Palace.



回首百年管道. 坐瞰世紀峰景 「回家」唯一的凱旋大道  台灣台北市中山北路二段89號 香榭富裔  官道. 濃蔭 .23米無敵窗景  國礎建設機構

Sitting in the prominent district of Taipei, les Champs-Élysées faces the notable Zhongshan N. Rd. that leads you to your home, sweet home.   

Located at No. 89, Zhongshan N. Rd. sec. 2, Taipei, les Champs-Élysées is featured by the renowned Zhongshan N. Rd, roadside tree shadows, splendid view, and more...



當代的概念 是流動的 是時代思潮 更是生活的展現 國礎建設機構 101富裔館 坐擁 信義計劃區時尚都會 國父紀念館人文綠地 台北大巨蛋黃金地段 信義計劃區 頂尖時尚伸展台 捷運市府站  國礎建設機構

Boutique HOM-TEL

Fashion moves along as time passes by. Catching up with the trend is one of many things that guide people to move forward. Boutique HOM-TEL sits in the booming Xhinyi District where fashion and culture meet, highlighted by many cultural establishments and huge crowds, such as MRT Taipei City Hall Station, SYS Memorial Hall, Taipei Dome, etc.



倩碧之湖 ‧ 悠然之心 濃稠的記憶,從耆老指節裡揮舞出碧湖的東西南北, 她說鳥聲水波圈起了八公頃的湖水, 日出處臨著復興劇校的人文, 日落處有著高級住宅區的輪廊, 雲氣處湖面迭印出保護區的綠蔭山丘。 衣袖擺動下的腳,漫步在湖濱步道裡, 雙眸映入的是泳池裡踏浪前進的人兒, 規律的擊球聲來自網球場裡移動的人們, 不定時高亢分貝的笑聲,打從兒童遊戲區散播出來, 湖面的涼亭與九曲橋,倒映著許多戀人甜蜜的回憶, 遠觀藍天裡的雲朵,正引領著飛機啟航, 有別大湖的是,這裡沒有喧鬧的車道噪聲, 只有真正面對自己、回歸自然的一顆心。 我 漫步碧湖,住 湖水裔。

Noble Lake

Sitting on the Green Lake shore, Noble Lake has a breathtaking view featured by a picturesque lake, lush grass, floating clouds and countless mountains in the distance. As you walk around the Noble Lake, you see people strolling on the lakeshore trail, swimming in the pool, and playing tennis in their leisure time. You hear children’s laughter as you pass by the children’s playground. For many people, the Green Lake pavilion and the zigzag bridge is a vivid reminder of their sweet memories and love stories. Noble Lake is a quiet residential building with no traffic flow and no noise at all. This is the best place for you to face yourself and harmonize with the nature.

Yes, I enjoy strolling around Green Lake and I make my home at Noble Lake.   



何處,是生活的巔峰 找尋權勢之外的高地 生命的高點, 在於人生的體悟有多少交響和鳴; 生活的高明, 在於懂得享受自身本有的原創值價。 以天為頂,地為本,山巒為景,河川為譜, 用思域為心靈指揮出曲曲讚揚的樂章。 生活的巔峰,在於找回自己; 心靈的原鄉,地圖坐標無法尋獲, 但,其實,近在人間。 一個傳承自天、地的大富境地, 富裔山 終於破紅塵而出  國礎富裔山 精鑄落成

Everybody is looking for the meaning of life. How much we understand the life depends on how much we harmonize with the nature and how much we appreciate the original creations. No map can guide us to the native land of our restless minds. Sitting on the top of mountain, we have a chance to face ourselves and know ourselves better. This is how Legend Mountain, an original creation dedicated by Kingland, came into being.



陽明山麓‧國家生活寶藏 向來是 王者的私藏 凡人無法專享的國家風景, 富人無法探囊的金貴高地; 擁山.觀嵐.泉美人生, 財富礦脈上最美的憩局藝術,  陽明山麓—湯‧富裔今夏綻放

Royal Mountain

Sitting on the foothill of Yangmingshan, the exceptional Royal Mountain is in walking distance to Yangmingshan National Park. With the green mountains and picturesque scenery, Royal Mountain is an ideal residential building that satisfies buyers to their hearts’ content.